Open Access Policy

The journal provides free access upon publication for its contents with the philosophy that providing the public with free use of research results will promote knowledge exchange around the globe.

Plagiarism Detection to Ensure Writing and Research Integrity

HCMUE Journal of Science uses iThenticate software to detect plagiarism before publishing. According to the current Regulations of the Journal, only drafts with an aggregate duplicate index of not exceeding 20%, and single-source duplication indexes not exceeding 2%, will be considered for inclusion in the review process. Authors, experts and scientists can also use this software to self-screen for duplication before officially submitting articles to the Journal.

Authors, researchers, and freelancers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting


HCMUE Journal of Science is indexed in local and international indexing services, allows maximum visibility of published articles as they are available to a wide, local and global audience.