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In Vietnam, most of the studies on effects caused by UV lights have focused mainly on skin; especially, there has not published any paper on the effect of UVA lights on the body weight, the blood cells, and internal organs. This study aims to evaluate the influences of UVA light exposure on the body weight, the blood cells, and internal organs of albino mouse. Female mice (six-week-old) were shaved the hair of the dorsal skin which was then exposed to a single dose of UVA for 3, 6 and 9 hours to compare with the control mice for eight weeks. The results show that the weight body tended to decrease linearly when the exposure time is longer; the number of red blood cells increased sharply after 4 weeks and decreased sharply after 8 weeks (especially for thoses with 6 and 9 hour exposure time); the number of white blood cells increased irregularly after 4 weeks but decreased linearly after when the exposure time is longer; the number of platelets increased sharply after 4 weeks when the exposure time is longer but decreased sharply after 8 weeks when the exposure time is longer; the structures of the liver, kidney, and spleen were injured mildly for those with 3 hour exposure and badly injured for those with 6 and 9 hour exposure.
Histopathology, Mice blood cell, Mus musculus var. albino, UVA, Ultraviolet radiation
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