Minh Dũng Tăng

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Over the past ten years, along with the proliferation of mobile devices, augmented reality technology has been increasingly widely used in many fields. In particular, many studies have shown its benefits for education. In this context, the article illustrates this new technology update in training pre-service mathematics teachers at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. Specifically, 62 third-year students were trained to use the "3D Calculator" application (which just appeared in July 2019) through performing tasks such as “Create a geometric object that satisfies the given geometric properties in GeoGebra”. After 6 hours of study, all students had the ability to create three-dimensional objects corresponding to the exercises in the current Geometry textbook 11. Students' product files have been gathered into an ebook posted on the “Classroom Resources” of the GeoGebra website. Research shows that students have quick access to this new technology, but it also raises the need to study teaching situations with the integration of this technology in the direction of generating mathematical knowledge.


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