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Lead ion is one of the cations that affects the vitality, growth ability, causing skeletal deformities in fish development. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of lead ion (Pb2+) on 1 to 10-day-old Oryzias curvinotus larvae at different concentrations: 0 µg/L; 50 µg/L; 100 µg/L; 150 µg/L. The results revealed that: (i) the minimum Pb2+ concentration affecting the medak survival rate is 50 µg/L; (ii) the Pb2+ concentration significantly affecting the survival rate on the 5th day is 150 µg/L. Based on the obtained results, we offered an equation to predict the survival rate of fish larvae and discovered the lethal LD50 concentration of Pb2+ after 10 days culturing is 98 µg/L and LT50 of Pb2+ at the concentration of 150 µg/L is 9,76 days. In conclusion, the higher concentration of Pb2+ causes the lower survival rate and the higher skeletal deformities of Oryzias curvinotus; the most effective concentration is 150 µg/L.


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