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Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a climacteric fruit that continues to ripen after harvest. Therefore, it is becoming soft-textured and color changing. It is also has a short period of availability. In this study, we evaluated the antimicrobial activity of the complex of low molecular weight chitosan and nano SiO2against microbials isolated from spoiled guava in post-harvest period. Taiwan-origin guavas were treated with a mixture of 2% chitosan (MW 44.5 kDa) and 0.02% nano SiO2at 15 ± 1oC, 80 ± 5% RH. The results show that they had slow changes in the color, hardness, vitamin C content, deterioration rate, total dissolved solids, weight loss rate, and lasted twice as long (12 days) as those on the control ones (six days).
Chitosan, Guava, nano SiO2, preservation
Article Details
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