Thanh Sang Võ , Văn Minh Lê , Đại Hùng Ngô

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Medicinal plants have long been used as an alternative medicine for treatment of diabetic diseases. In this study, the potential antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract of Ficus glomerata, Pandanus amaryllifolia, and Artocarpus altilis were investigated. The alpha-amylase inhibitory assay was conducted by dinitrosalicylic acid method, while the glucose uptake capacity was examined on LO-2 cells. Antioxidant activity was determined via DPPH scavenging assay, while cytotoxic effect was investigated by MTT assay. The study results revealed that the ethanol extracts of F. glomerata, P. amaryllifolia, and A. altilis possessed inhibitory activity on alpha-amylase at IC50 values of 285, 159, and 135 µg/ml, respectively. Moreover, these medicinal plants increased glucose uptake into LO-2 cells from 115% (F. glomerata) to 143% (P. amaryllifolia and A. altilis). On the other hand, the DPPH radical scavenging activity of F. glomerata, P. amaryllifolia, and A. altilis was determined at IC50 values of 198, 221, and 134 µg/ml, respectively. In particular, no cytotoxicity effect of these medicinal plants was observed on LO-2 cells at the concentration of 100 µg/ml. These results indicated that A. altilis exposed the highest biological activities as compared to the others. Thus, A. altilis was considered as a potential material for the development of antidiabetic products.


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