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The study aimed at identifying psychological factors affecting students' academic procrastination. Based on Steel’s (2007) meta-analysis of 250 peer-reviewed articles on procrastination which are majorly from psychology or its sub-fields, an eight-factor theorical model was built. A survey developed from the model was conducted with 237 students at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH). The theorical model consisted of a dependent variable (procrastination) and seven independent variables (low conscientiousness, low self-efficacy, low self-esteem, impulsiveness, anxiety, stress, and irrational beliefs). The analysis of the Cronbach’s Alpha and EFA showed that there were three psychological factors affecting academic procrastination of UEH students: low conscientiousness, stress, and impulsivenes. The research not only helps educational managers and lecturers at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City to understand some psychological problems that their students are facing, but also contributes to helping researchers, especially in the field of psychology in Vietnam, to identify psychological factors affecting student’s academic procrastination.
academic procrastination, procrastination, psychology, students
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