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When the war between Ngo Dinh Diem and the Binh Xuyen forces and the alliance of sectarian forces took place in Saigon and the Southern of Vietnam provinces, with the initiative and creativity, the Southern Vietnam Regional Committee mobilized part of the Binh Xuyen forces and separatist sect forces (Cao Dai, Hoa Hao) spearheaded the fight against the Saigon government to preserve and develop the revolutionary force. Adapting the historical - logical methods and documentation, the study found that the mobilization activities of the Southern Vietnam Regional Committee in 1955-1957 facilitated the gathering, building and developing of the local revolutionary forces. The process of mobilizing Binh Xuyen forces and effective separatist sects of the Southern Vietnam Regional Committee contributed to the victory of the Dong Khoi movement in Southern Vietnam in 1959-1960 and created an important foundation for the development of the revolutionary forces in Southern Vietnam for the next stage of the struggle.
Binh Xuyen forces, mobilization, sectarian forces, the Southern Vietnam Regional Committee, the Saigon government
Article Details
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