Mạnh Thắng Phạm , Hồng Phương Nguyễn

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During “Doi moi”, the Communist Party Committee of Tien Giang province determined that an international economic development would play a significant responsibility to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) effectively. This study clarifies the leadership of Tien Giang province in this attempt. Using documentation, this paper reports systematically on the mission as well as organizational process of the province as regards FDI. The experiences of the province from 2010 to 2019 were reported in this paper. The FDI results for Tien Giang province have contributed to the formation, expansion and modernization of production and business sectors and fields of the province, which has contributed to speeding up the process of economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization of the province.




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Tien Giang Statistics Department (2019). Nien giam thong ke nam 2019 [Statistical Yearbook]. Tien Giang Statistics Department Office.
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