Văn Quang Phan

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Assessment of learning outcomes (performance) according to the competency-based approach is the process of collecting, analyzing, and processing information to confirm whether a student can achieve a competency through students’ application of knowledge, skills, attitudes into performing tasks or solving learning situations associated with practical contexts. Managing the evaluation of learning outcomes based on competency is one of important tasks of school principals. This article presents the results of literature review on the factors affecting the management of student assessment as well as presents the survey results of these factors in Mathematics at secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The study surveyed 104 management staff (principals, vice- principals, and department leaders) and 216 math teachers. The results show that all these factors have a moderate influence (100%). The results can be a useful source of reference for secondary school principals to consider and propose measures to limit the impact of factors affecting student assessment in Mathematics

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Author Biography

Văn Quang Phan,

Phó trưởng phòng


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