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Delivery of initial teacher education programs has been a subject of discussion and an interest of research for researchers, policy makers, and practitionners in the world because teacher education is considered as one of the key factors contributing to the quality of teachers and quality of education. This article focuses on examining the delivery of pre-service teacher education programs and suggestions to improve teacher education at a key university in Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City University of Education-from the perspectives of final year students. Findings show that teacher education programs at HoChiMinh City University of Education are able to help students achieve most of the qualities and professional competences as pre-defined. The findings also show that there are some competences requiring actions from the institutional level, including the competence of "counseling and supporting students". It is then suggested that the university review and modify the programs to improve the overall quality of the programs.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, students’ perspectives, teacher education, teacher education programs
Article Details
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