Thị Tịnh Thy Nguyễn

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Inside Infinity (“Trong vô tận” in Vietnamese) by Vinh Quyen won the second prize in the fifth novel contest (2016 - 2019) of the Vietnam Writers Association. Thanks to its depth of thought, historical inspiration, and unique poetics, the work creates a prominent impression on the local literature. Besides, one of the factors contributing to the success of the novel is its artistic structure. This research analyses the structure on four aspects: theme, plot, frame, and language. Each element in Vinh Quyen’s novel contains many artistic “symbols” that allows readers not only to recognize the talents of the writer but also to understand the ancestors, the history, and the culture on the one hand; It also eliminates all distances in space, time, factions, genders, and races on the other hand. What remains forever, as a result, is the love for the past of the clan and the nation. Because if there is love, all the rupture of history and culture will no longer exist. These senses are the receptive effectiveness of the artistic structure of Inside Infinity.


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