Ngọc Tâm Nguyễn , Hoàng Phương Nguyễn

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In each language, semantic shift is one of the most convenient and economical ways to develop a words meanings. The result of the phenomenon of semantic shift is to create polysemous words. Deriving from an original meaning of a word, a polysemous word will be created relying on its real-world connections, cultural factors, and needs of using. The study of polysemous words is very necessary and meaningful. On the one hand, it helps us find out the way of semantic shift of a polysemous word. On the other hand, it shows us the way of thinking, cultural expression of a nation expressed through its language. This article compares the word đi in Vietnamese and the word 가다 in Korean in terms of semantics in specific contexts. The result has shown that the word đi in Vietnamese and the word 가다 in Korean have 9 similar meanings and 19 combinations of đi +X/ X + đi are the same. However, there are many different meanings, including 7 derivative meanings of the word đi which only exist in Vietnamese and 17 meanings of the word 가다 which only exist
in Korean.


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