Main Article Content
Applying the 5E instructional model in teaching science subjects has become more and more popular worldwide because of its effectiveness in developing learners’ competency and designing teaching plans for teachers. In addition, the introduction of the subject “Natural Science” in the General Education Curriculum 2018 requires teachers to change teaching methods to meet the objectives of developing natural science competency of secondary students. Based on analyzing the theory of the 5E instructional model; competency – based learning; the Natural Science General Education Curriculum, the article shows the effectiveness of the 5E instructional model in developing natural science competency and proposes a teaching process that concretizes the 5E instructional model. Then, it was applied to design three teaching topics related to “sound” in Grade 7 Natural Science. The experimental results of the two topics “journey of sound” and “peaceful home” showed that the 5E instructional model helps develop the natural science competency for secondary students.
5E instructional model, Natural Science Curriculum, natural science competency, sound
Article Details
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