Main Article Content
The article reports the results of a study on the role of beliefs in the life of coastal residents in Binh Dinh. The study used document analysis and participant observation methods as research methods. Research results show that the marine element is clearly expressed in all aspects of their cultural life. Binh Dinh not only has a tradition of fishing but also has many historical, cultural and belief values. Some forms of belief such as Whale worship, Co/Bac worship, Mother Goddess/Sea Goddess worship are considered as spiritual fulcrum for fishermen in the life at sea with lots of risk. In the modern socio-economic context, traditional cultural values have many changes, in which, beliefs are no exception. Beliefs of coastal residents of Binh Dinh have changed due to two reasons: state management and socio-economic development. Therefore, researching and understanding the beliefs of coastal residents of Binh Dinh from a geo-cultural perspective helps to explain the functions, diversity and changes of beliefs in the lives of residents there, and at the same time aims to preserve and maintain the traditional cultural values of the nation.
Binh Dinh province, belief, coastal resident
Article Details
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