Nguyễn Quỳnh Chi Hồ , Thị Minh Trần 1, Thái Minh Quân Ngô 2, Ngọc Cang Lý , Nguyễn Quang Huy Hoàng , Thị Thương Huyền Nguyễn , Thái Minh Nguyễn , Thị Thủy Trâm Nguyễn , Văn Sơn Đặng , Văn Thọ Lê , Thị Mai Hương Nguyễn , Thanh Long Lê , Nghĩa Sơn Hoàng , Chính Chung Đoàn
1 Technology Department, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 Institute of Tropical Biology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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This study aimed to estimate the genetic relationship of wild boars from Dak Nong province by cytochrome b. The sequence alignment showed 26 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between haplotypes from Dak Nong with others from Asia and Europe. A highly variable region was from the position at 15029 to 15045. The haplotype DKN3 and Vietnamese native wild boar haplotypes showed identical SNPs (TATG), while the others (DKN1 and DKN4-DKN7) and Vietnamese hybrid wild boar haplotypes exposed two SNPs (CATA and CATG). The haplotypes DKN1, DKN4-DKN7, and Vietnamese hybrid wild boar haplotypes had a close genetic relationship with Asian wild boar haplotypes, whereas the haplotype DKN3 and Vietnamese native wild boar haplotypes were located in the separated clade of the phylogenetic tree. These results indicated that there were two wild boar populations in Dak Nong. This reveals that the Vietnamese native wild boars and Vietnamese hybrid wild boars have been distributed throughout the Central Highlands.


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