Trọng Nhân Nguyễn

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The mosque has a vital position in the picture of material culture and the system of tourist destinations in the Mekong Delta. Fully understanding the mosque is important in marketing and promoting ethnic culture. With document analysis, field observation, and exchange/conversation with local people, the contents of distribution, features, functions, architecture and decoration, tourism exploitation capacity of An Giang Cham Islam people mosques are clarified from the perspective of Geography. The research results show that the mosques of the Cham Islam people are distributed in nine commune-levels based on administrative units of An Giang province. The elements are color, decoration, and architecture. The mosque plays an important role in the religion, belief, culture, and society of the Cham people. Thanks to the unique architecture, decorative arts, and religious activities, many tourists visit the mosque of Cham Islam.



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Baaren, T. V. (Translator Trinh, H. H.) (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Ho Chi Minh City: Tre Publishing House.
Durant, W. (Translator Nguyen, H. L.) (2006). Lich su van minh Arap [History of Arabian civilization]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, V. L. (1974). Nguoi Cham Hoi giao mien Tay Nam phan Viet Nam [Islam Cham people in the Southwest of Viet Nam]. Saigon: Ministry of Culture, Education and Youth.
Nguyen Duc, The Truong & Le Yen (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, T. N. (2003). Dao Hoi va The gioi A-rap [Islam and The Arab word]. Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
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Nguyen, S. (2015). Bieu tuong quoc gia cac nuoc [National symbols of countries]. Retrieved from
Phan, A. (2019). Lang Cham An Giang voi nhung net van hoa doc dao [An GiaBaaren, T. V. (Translator Trinh, H. H.) (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Ho Chi Minh City: Tre Publishing House.
Durant, W. (Translator Nguyen, H. L.) (2006). Lich su van minh Arap [History of Arabian civilization]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, V. L. (1974). Nguoi Cham Hoi giao mien Tay Nam phan Viet Nam [Islam Cham people in the Southwest of Viet Nam]. Saigon: Ministry of Culture, Education and Youth.
Nguyen Duc, The Truong & Le Yen (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, T. N. (2003). Dao Hoi va The gioi A-rap [Islam and The Arab word]. Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
Nguyen, T. X. (2006). Mot so ton giao o Viet Nam [Some of religions in Viet Nam]. Hanoi: Religious Publishing.
Nguyen, S. (2015). Bieu tuong quoc gia cac nuoc [National symbols of countries]. Retrieved from
Phan, A. (2019). Lang Cham An Giang voi nhung net van hoa doc dao [An Giang Cham villages with unique cultural features]. Retrieved from
Tourist area of Lam Vien Nui Cam (2020). Nguoi Cham o An Giang [Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from
Tran, N. D. S., Nguyen, A. D., & Phan, T. H. N. (2006). Bach khoa ton giao Dong Tay [The encylopedia of Eastern and Western religions]. Ho Chi Minh: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
Vo, V. T., & Truong, T. H. (2011). Nghi le vong doi cua nguoi Cham Islam o An Giang [Life cycle ritual of Islam Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from
ng ChaBaaren, T. V. (Translator Trinh, H. H.) (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Ho Chi Minh City: Tre Publishing House.
Durant, W. (Translator Nguyen, H. L.) (2006). Lich su van minh Arap [History of Arabian civilization]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, V. L. (1974). Nguoi Cham Hoi giao mien Tay Nam phan Viet Nam [Islam Cham people in the Southwest of Viet Nam]. Saigon: Ministry of Culture, Education and Youth.
Nguyen Duc, The Truong & Le Yen (2002). Hoi giao [Islam]. Hanoi: Information – Culture Publishing.
Nguyen, T. N. (2003). Dao Hoi va The gioi A-rap [Islam and The Arab word]. Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
Nguyen, T. X. (2006). Mot so ton giao o Viet Nam [Some of religions in Viet Nam]. Hanoi: Religious Publishing.
Nguyen, S. (2015). Bieu tuong quoc gia cac nuoc [National symbols of countries]. Retrieved from
Phan, A. (2019). Lang Cham An Giang voi nhung net van hoa doc dao [An Giang Cham villages with unique cultural features]. Retrieved from
Tourist area of Lam Vien Nui Cam (2020). Nguoi Cham o An Giang [Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from
Tran, N. D. S., Nguyen, A. D., & Phan, T. H. N. (2006). Bach khoa ton giao Dong Tay [The encylopedia of Eastern and Western religions]. Ho Chi Minh: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
Vo, V. T., & Truong, T. H. (2011). Nghi le vong doi cua nguoi Cham Islam o An Giang [Life cycle ritual of Islam Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from
m villages with unique cultural features]. Retrieved from
Tourist area of Lam Vien Nui Cam (2020). Nguoi Cham o An Giang [Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from
Tran, N. D. S., Nguyen, A. D., & Phan, T. H. N. (2006). Bach khoa ton giao Dong Tay [The encylopedia of Eastern and Western religions]. Ho Chi Minh: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing.
Vo, V. T., & Truong, T. H. (2011). Nghi le vong doi cua nguoi Cham Islam o An Giang [Life cycle ritual of Islam Cham people in An Giang]. Retrieved from