Đức Thuận Trần , Quế Trân Văn , Hoàng Kim Yến Nguyễn , Ngọc Đan Nguyễn

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In the General Education Curriculum for Mathematics 2018, picture graphs and some elements of Statistics and Probability are suitable contents for organising practical and experiential activities. Based on the Process of Experiential Learning proposed by Kolb and the research results on elements of Statistics and Probability in elementary mathematics education, a teaching plan was designed. In this teaching plan, second graders are encouraged to participate in experiential activities such as investigating, collecting, classifying, organizing,  recording, performing, and analysing statistical data. The experimental results show that the exploitation of personal experience and experiential activities can ameliorate teaching picture graphs and statistical and probability factors.


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Author Biography

Đức Thuận Trần,

Khoa Giáo dục Tiểu học


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