Duy Nhất Lý , Nguyễn Thanh Trúc Huỳnh , Ngọc Hưng Phan

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This article presents the temperature effect on the neutral exciton energy spectrum in the WSe2 monolayer in the magnetic field by a new mechanism that was first investigated in this work. This mechanism is entirely different from the exciton-phonon mechanism studied by many previous works in the absence of magnetic fields. By separating the center of the mass movement for the neutral exciton and obtaining the correct Hamiltonian, we found a term related to temperature and magnetic fields that were ignored in previous studies. We numerically solved the Schrodinger equations using the Feranchuk-Komarov operator method for the 1s, 2s, and 3s states and investigated the effect of temperature on the energy spectrum. The results show that with a magnetic field of up to 100 Tesla, the exciton's energy at the 3s state at 300K can be nearly 6% different from that at 0K. We also calculated the exciton radius and found that it varies with temperature. For example, with a 100 Tesla magnetic field, the radius at 300K increased by more than 50% compared to at 0K. This result suggests that we have to investigate further the temperature effect on the physical properties of exciton in TMD monolayer.


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