Thị Thu Huyền Vũ

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For a long time, the culture of the Cham Islam community in An Giang province has been studied in various aspects such as religion, architecture, customs, cuisine, and family organization. However, the cultural behavior among members of the Cham Islam family is rarely mentioned. In this article, besides focusing on studying behavioral culture in the husband-and-wife relationship of the Cham Islam people in An Giang province, ethnography was used for observation and interviews. The study aims to discover the Cham people's specific and unique cultural nuances in the current family cultural behavior. Results of the present study reveal that matrilineal values are still alive in the spirit of the Cham people and that role and status of women are respected and promoted. Islamic religious culture is an important part of the Cham family culture. However, socio-economic development has impacted and changed some traditional value systems in the family culture of the Cham Islam people in An Giang province.


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