Main Article Content
Vu Trong Phung and Guy de Maupassant are two excellent realist writers of Vietnamese and French literature. The similarities in the compositions of Vu Trong Phung and Guy de Maupassant have been recognized by domestic researchers. The article will clarify the similarities in the works of the two writers, as well as the reception and adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's compositions in Vu Trong Phung's works. The reception of Vu Trong Phung's Maupassant writing is shown through descriptive literature with its temperament and similarities in the two writers' compositions. Which is used to explain the similarities and the differences. The article concludes that Vu Trong Phung received Maupassant mainly in content and compositional technique. At the same time, there was an adaptation due to the cultural and social conditions of France and Vietnam.
Guy de Maupassant, received in cooperation, Vu Trong Phung
Article Details
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