Thi Kim Ngoc Nguyen

Main Article Content


The more developed the society, the more influential the media is in the socio-political life of a country. In that context, media culture plays a critical role in orientating and leading journalistic activities towards values, prestige, quality, and effectiveness. With rich and comprehensive information content, the media and communication products of press agencies over the past time have timely, truthfully, and comprehensively reflected on political and economic life, culture, society, foreign affairs, and national security and defense at home and abroad, which were highly critical of society and a truly reliable forum for the people. However, besides the advantages, journalism activities have certain limitations. By the interdisciplinary approach of cultural studies and cultural sociology, the article focuses on clarifying problems of media culture, identifying the elements of media culture in journalism activities, proposing solutions for the currently arising problems to improve the media culture in journalism activities in Vietnam today.


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