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Quang Binh is a beautiful destination for tourists as either Phong Nha – Ke Bang national park – the UNESCO world heritage site, gorgeous scenes of mountains and forests, unique cultural-historical values, or the best white sandy beaches that are located in Dong Hoi city. The number of domestic and foreign tourists visiting Quang Binh, in general, and Dong Hoi city, in particular, has been impressively increasing due to the recent efforts in tourism promotion of local governments and tourism agencies. However, this also creates significant pressure on natural resources and the environment, including coastal beaches. This study applies a method to calculate the tourism carrying capacity (TCC) to determine the physical carrying capacity (PCC), real carrying capacity (RCC), and effective carrying capacity (ECC) of three central beaches: Nhat Le, Bao Ninh, and Quang Phu in Dong Hoi city. The results prove that the PCC of all these beaches is 165,200 passengers/day, RCC is 56,032 passengers/day, and ECC is 34,107 visitors/day. Besides, it is indicated that the tourism carrying capacity of each beach is divergent. These research results can be used for more effective tourism planning and management in coastal cities.
beach, Dong Hoi city, Tourism carrying capacity (TCC)
Article Details
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