Văn Toàn Em Quách , Ngọc Nam Viên , Xuân Quảng Ngô

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In Vietnam, Lumnitzera littorea communities are distributed near estuaries, along seashores where only high tides are flooded, and the clay is slightly tight, often mixed with Excoecaria agallocha and Ceriops sp. trees that sometimes grow in dominant communities with high density of L. littorea species. In this paper, soil samples were taken at 15 locations in 3 areas with the concentrated distribution of L. littorea communities distributed in the South of Viet Nam in two seasons (rainy and dry). The research results showed that the parameters of the soil, including pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total soluble salt content (TMT%), organic matter, total and digestible N content, and C/N ratio at the three study areas (Can Gio, Con Dao, and Phu Quoc) was significant different by season (rainy and dry season) and by soil layer surveyed (0 - 20 cm, 40 - 60 cm). There was a strong correlation between the values of these indexes, including between total soluble salts and soil conductivity, between organic matter content and total N, between organic matter content and easily digestible N, and between total N and digestible N content.


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