Xuân Hồng Nguyễn

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The article aims to further clarify the research direction of conceptual metaphors in political discourse of the two languages from the results of surveying 39 Vietnamese political discourses and 83 American English political discourses. The analysis was based on the BUILDING source domain. It also compares the typical conceptual metaphor expressions in political discourse of the two languages to clarify the characteristics of the source domain BUILDING and the selection of this source domain to project onto different target domains. The results show that, in the source domain BUILDING, the mapping to the target domain related to political topics in Vietnamese and American English political discourses are quite similar. However, the way to construct the concept of building a family with the meaning of marriage appears in Vietnamese political discourses, but not in American English political discourses. Therefore, as mentioned above, the unique metaphor with both the unique source and the target domain is only available in the Vietnamese language and culture.


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Author Biography

Xuân Hồng Nguyễn,

Phó Hiệu trưởng


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