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The success of South Korea’s industrialization during the 60s – 80s of the 20th century was key to the country's miraculous economic development. Especially, this was one of the factors for South Korea to become a member of “Newly Industrialized Countries” (NICs). Via historical-logical methods, the article analyzes and evaluates the role of the dictatorship government in the process of industrialization and modernization in South Korea through each period such as the transitional period from inward to outward period (1962 - 1971), the outward-looking industrialization period (1972 - 1981), the industrialization and modernization period (1982 - 1987). The results present the guiding role, timely and effective intervention, and full support of the state in the industrialization process in Korea from 1961 to 1987.
dictatorship, economy, industrialization, South Korea
Article Details
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