Mỷ Tiên Lý , Thị Bé Ba Nguyễn , Thị Tố Quyên Lê , Trọng Nhân Nguyễn , Thị Huỳnh Phượng Nguyễn , Trí Thông Trương

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Factor analysis is one of the main methods to identify important factors and eliminate less important factors in doing research. Based on the review of studies on factors affecting rural tourism, the study proposes a theoretical model consisting of five factors affecting rural tourism development in Vinh Thanh. Through a field survey and questionnaire survey of 126 local households in Vinh Thanh District, SPSS20 software was used to process data and analyze factors affecting rural tourism development in Vinh Thanh. Three main factors were identified, the strongest impact is the support and policies of the local government. From the research results, some solutions for each factor are proposed to promote rural tourism development in Vinh Thanh.




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Author Biography

Mỷ Tiên Lý,

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