Main Article Content
This article reports on the Vietnamese revolution from 1975 until the breakup of isolation and complete embargo in 1995. Since 1975, as a result of the siege and isolation, harsh international embargoes combined with the implementation of a somewhat inflexible and unpractical foreign policy, Vietnam has been in a difficult situation. After that, Vietnam has gradually improved and normalized relations with great nations, countries, and organizations in the region and the world in addition to strengthening and developing friendly relations with countries that have traditional and special relations. Implementing a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, openness, diversification, and multilateralization in relations with positive, proactive efforts, Vietnam has broken the siege, isolation, and international embargo for global integration. The article also highlights foreign policy lessons of this period that suggest implications for Vietnam's current foreign policy planning.
embargo, isolation, siege, period 1975-1995, Vietnam's foreign policy
Article Details
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