Thị Ngọc Thanh Đoàn , Thị Kim Tuyền Đoàn

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One of the main components of livestock waste is protein. Therefore, protease-producing microorganisms have been applied in the waste treatment process, and thus many studies have been conducted to find sources of local proteolytic microorganisms. This study isolated 41 protein hydrolyzing bacteria from soil, wastewater, and sludge collected at poultry slaughters. Three of the strains with the highest extracellular protease activity were screened and classified when comparing 16S rRNA sequences on the NCBI database as Bacillus subtilis (T17), Bacillus statosphericus (T24), and Bacillus flexus (T36). The results of examining the effects of pH and temperature on producing proteases showed that all three strains were capable of producing extracellular proteases at temperatures ranging from 30oC to 45oC. The appropriate pH for producing proteases in three different strains was varied. This is the initial data for the application of these strains in the treatment of high-protein waste.


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Author Biography

Thị Ngọc Thanh Đoàn,

Khoa Nông nghiệp và Công nghệ thực phẩm


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