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This action research aims to investigate the use of ball games on second graders’ motivation and vocabulary learning in Bui Van Ngu Primary School, Hoc Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City. It was carried out with the participation of 49 eight-year-old students. Results from observations and interviews were analyzed using MAQDA version 2020. Results from Test 2 at the end of Cycle 1 were improved compared to Test 1 at the beginning of the experiment; results from Test 3 at the end of Cycle 2 were enhanced compared to Test 2. Results from tests and quizzes indicated that second graders’ vocabulary learning was enhanced after the intervention of ball games. Results from observations and interviews show that second graders were happy and enjoyable when playing ball games. Students also had the intention to join the ball games in the next lessons. Therefore, using ball games increased second graders’ motivation and vocabulary learning after ten weeks with two cycles. However, teachers should consider the appropriate type of ball games for the class and ensure the classroom space when implementing ball games.
physical games, primary students, student’s behaviors, student’s emotions
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