Thái Bảo Ngọc Phạm

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In accordance with cognitive linguistics, most literary metaphors stem from conceptual metaphors which are pervasive in daily thoughts and language. This article analyses conceptual metaphors of morality and their metaphorical expressions in the novella “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.” The research results show that the complex metaphor MORALITY IS STRENGTH, including several primary metaphors such as DOING GOOD IS UPRIGHT, DOING EVIL IS FALLING, BEING MORAL IS BEING HIGH, BEING IMMORAL IS BEING LOW, EVIL IS A FORCE and INNER STRENGTH IS PHYSICAL STRENGTH, was extensively and diversely used throughout the novella to describe characters and depict the struggle between good and evil. These metaphors are intimately interconnected, enhancing the coherence of numerous metaphorical expressions throughout the novella and further reinforcing its central theme.



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Thái Bảo Ngọc Phạm,

Giảng viên Khoa Ngữ văn Anh

Nghiên cứu sinh ngành Ngôn ngữ học so sánh đối chiếu, Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, ĐHQG-TP.HCM


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