Thị Minh Sang Nguyễn , Hồng Khiêm Lê , Văn Minh Trương , An Sơn Nguyễn , Ngọc Triệu Lê , Hữu Nghĩa Nguyễn , Trường Sơn Trương , Lathdavong Phonesavanh

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Low-dose radiation stimulates plant growth, particularly in mosses, enhancing their ability to absorb airborne elements using the moss bag technique. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of low-energy X-ray radiation (1-20 Gy, with a 1 Gy interval) on the growth of Babular indica moss. The results revealed that doses ranging from 2 Gy to 16 Gy improved moss growth compared to the non-irradiated control. The optimum stimulatory effect was observed at 14 Gy, as morphological characteristics, moss weight, and chlorophyll content indicated. Consequently, 14 Gy was selected as the irradiation dose for moss in the monitoring environment. Analysis of element concentrations using Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) demonstrated that the irradiated moss exhibited significantly improved element absorption compared to the non-irradiated moss, although still lower than that of natural moss. This study emphasises that low-dose (14 Gy) radiation treatment of mosses holds promise for achieving more accurate results and a closer reflection of real air conditions in environmental monitoring using the moss bag technique.


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