Hải Mỹ Ngân Lê 1, , Thị Kim Ánh Nguyễn 2, Như Thư Hương Vũ 1, Hoài Minh Thái 1, Thị Thanh Tâm Nguyễn 1, Thị Thu Trang Nguyễn
1 Trường ĐHSP TP. HCM
2 Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc Gia Đài Loan

Main Article Content


The 2018 general education curriculum has affirmed that career orientation is essential to upper secondary education. Science subjects (physics, chemistry, and biology) are parts of STEM education, playing a vital role in equipping students with knowledge and skills for the career fields of science, engineering, and technology. The research investigated the current teaching status and natural science teachers' views on integrating career orientation into teaching according to the 2018 general education curriculum. The results show that almost all teachers of science subjects realise that integrating career orientation in teaching is necessary for high school. However, many teachers still think it is the integration of content or knowledge. In addition, although teachers have much access to STEM education, they still need to clearly show their thoughts about integrating career orientation in STEM education in science subjects. The study also reveals that teachers need to use more role-based activities in which students should experience the role of employees. The role-based approach should be emphasised more in integrating career orientation in teaching science and STEM educational activities to achieve career-oriented competence for students.


Article Details


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