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The article discusses the psychological trauma from parental violence in adolescences in Ho Chi Minh City. Using the questionnaire survey method, the study conducted screening for adolescents who have experienced parental violence. By conducting EFA testing on symptoms in the groups of PTSD, anxiety, depression, aggressive behavior, and rule-breaking behavior, the study has systematized 25 symptoms of the psychological trauma of adolescents whose parents abuse in Ho Chi Minh City. These 25 symptoms are classified into 7 groups with levels of expression ranging from high to low, including group (1): symptoms related to hypersensitive reactions, focusing on fear and panic to stimuli; group (2): the group of symptoms related to re-experiencing (intrusive memories) and avoidance behavior of parental violence even; group (3): the group of symptoms related to restlessness and insomnia; group (4): the group of symptoms related to disobedient behavior and fighting; group (5): the group of symptoms related to screaming behavior and hobby of playing with fire; group (6): the group of symptoms related to feelings of failure and suffering; group (7): the group of symptoms related to low self-assessment and dissatisfaction with life.
psychological trauma, psychological trauma from parental violence in adolescences, violence behavior
Article Details
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