Cam Ly Trịnh , Thị Thanh Tâm Dương

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The 2018 General Education Curriculum and the newly developed textbooks are designed to enhance the qualities and competencies of students. Consequently, the evaluation of students has also required innovation. The academic year 2023-2024 marks the initial implementation of the new curriculum and textbooks in the 4th grade. Recognizing the challenges faced by schools and teachers in organizing assessments of students' learning outcomes across various subjects and educational activities, this article proposes solutions for implementing progress assessments of reading comprehension for 4th-graders. These solutions encompass the structure, assessment matrix, and guidelines for text selection. Considerations are also proposed in question design, exercises, and the development of an assessment paper with reading comprehension tasks for 4th-grade students, accompanied by answers and assessment instructions. These proposals aim to alleviate the challenges encountered by schools and teachers in organizing progress assessments of reading comprehension skills and the overall proficiency of 4th-grade students in the Vietnamese language.


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