Thiên Vũ Giang , Ngọc Phi Bảo Nguyễn , Hùng Phát Lê , Phan Thảo Nghi Lê , Hùng Phát Trần , Cẩm Như Lê

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Currently, the relationship between emotional self-regulation and mindfulness is an interesting topic in psychological research. The impact of mindfulness on emotional self-regulation is beneficial for physical and mental health while improving educational performance and creating a sense of well-being for teachers and students. This study used the experimental method of measuring electrical brain signals using an EEG machine in a psychology laboratory to verify the relationship between emotional self-regulation and mindfulness in five adolescents, who showed signs of mental health instability. After practicing mindfulness-based interventions, participants' emotional self-regulation improved, as evidenced by changes in alpha and beta wave signals at both F3 and F4 electrodes. The findings suggest that mindfulness plays a crucial role in enhancing concentration and emotional self-regulation in the context of negative mental states. These results broaden the understanding derived from studies grounded in the measurement of electrical brain signals about the relationships among psychological phenomena. Furthermore, they contribute to rendering the process of psychological assessment more rigorous and evidence-based through the utilization of brain electrical signal data in Vietnam.


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