Hang Nguyen Thi1, Giang Nguyen Thi Huong , Thu Truong Thi Minh, Thao Nguyen Phuong, Hai Duong Chi, Phat Nguyen Truong, Hien Luong Xuan, Hoang Nguyen Huy
1 Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

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Nowadays, screening strategies for therapies targeting hepatic injury are becoming increasingly popular, with a growing body of research focusing on herbal medicine. Studies have demonstrated that Scutellaria barbata, Hedyotis diffusa, and Celastrus hindsii possess the potential to treat liver diseases. However, the biological activity of a combination of these three herbs remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the hepatoprotective and regenerative effects of a mixed herbal decoction in an albino mouse model. Mice were intraperitoneally injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) to induce hepatic injury. The decoction was administered both before and after CCl₄ injection. Hematological parameters such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, and liver enzymes (AST and ALT) are examined. At 72 hours post-injection, pre-treatment with the decoction at a concentration of 125 μg/mL exhibited the most significant hepatoprotective effects. This was evidenced by an increase in hematological parameters and a marked decrease in liver enzyme levels compared to the negative control group. The combined decoction shows potential for supporting hepatic injury treatment.

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