Quang Hưng Nguyễn 1, Hue Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Hue Pham Thi, Kien Nguyen Khanh Trung, Manh Nguyen Quoc, Kinh Dang Ngoc, Phong Le Hoang, Phuong Nguyen Nhut, Xuan Tran Dong, Minh Truong Van, Phuc Phan Trong, Việt Nam Việt Nam, Nguyen La Ly, Trung Ngo Dang, Tuyen Luu Anh
1 Viện Nghiên Cứu Khoa Học Cơ Bản và Ứng Dụng, Trường Đại Học Duy Tân

Main Article Content


This paper provides an overview of luminescence-based dating techniques applied to ancient brick- and stone-built architectures, highlighting key challenges associated with these methods. We introduce our recently improved thermoluminescence (TL) technique as an optimal solution for dating heterogeneous, multilayered, and overlapping structures, offering higher reliability compared to traditional TL methods. Additionally, we discuss the historical and archaeological significance of the White Stone Citadel, a rare ancient structure in Southern Vietnam. This site may hold valuable insights into the history and culture of the southern region, making it an ideal case study for the application of our improved TL technique. Preliminary analyses of sample compositions, along with the standardization of gamma and beta doses, are also presented. Final dating results will be reported around the end of 2024.

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Author Biography

Quang Hưng Nguyễn, Viện Nghiên Cứu Khoa Học Cơ Bản và Ứng Dụng, Trường Đại Học Duy Tân

Viện Trưởng


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