Văn Cảnh Nguyễn , Phước Hải Nguyễn

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This study presents the results of analysis and selection of 50 multiple-choice items of English 1 course for the final test of 798 students at Dong Thap University in the academic year 2019-2020 based on IATA software. Using a combination of analytical methodology based on Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT), good items will be discovered and put into a test bank to assess the student learning outcomes. Unsatisfactory items will be discovered for adjustment or removal. The study results have shown that IATA software has many advantages such as: easy to use, time-saving, accurate and clearly visual output to analyse, assess, and select multiple-choice items. This study can be used not only to analyze and select multiple-choice items, but also to improve the quality of multiple-choice test items to build a test for an exam in order to meet the demands of radical and comprehensive innovation in education and training.


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