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Surface water pollution is one of the environmental problems that countries around the world are facing. The Uong Bi – Dong Trieu area, Quang Ninh province is currently facing such challenges. Remote sensing data can quickly provide information on surface water quality and monitor water quality more effectively. The analysis research involves: (1) analysis of changes in surface water quality in the Uong Bi - Dong Trieu area in the period 2000-2020, (2) select a model to estimate water quality assessment index from remote sensing data; and (3) quantitative assessment of surface water pollution risks in the research area. The results show that the predictive coefficients of determination (R2) for water quality (BOD5, COD, and TSS) are higher than 0.75 in all three parameters. In particular, the area with high-risk to surface water pollution increased from 8% in 2000 to 16% in 2020, and the increasing percentage for the area with very high-risk was from 3% to 10%, respectively. This study emphasizes the use of multi-temporal remote sensing data with field measurements that can monitor several surface quality indicators in rivers, streams, and lakes. Furthermore, this study can be applied to surface waters on a broader scale.
Dong Trieu – Uong Bi, Remote sensing, Surface water pollution, Water quality index
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