Main Article Content
The objective of this study is to explore the perceptions of local residents regarding their support for community-based tourism development (CBTD) in Tuy Phong district, Binh Thuan province. The qualitative research method was conducted with data collected from 25 semi-structured interviews about the perceptions of local residents. The research results confirmed prominent tourism potentials related to the sea, coastline, and traditional craft villages suitable for CBTD exploitation, the desires of local people, the benefits and losses of CBTD were clearly identified. Based on this, local residents support CBTD with endorsement for the long-term plans of local authorities, support for investment in tourism facilities (shopping, accommodation, dining), cultural exchange, tourism initiatives, and environmental protection. Local residents also emphasize the role of local authorities, the consciousness of local residents, and tourist education on environmental protection.
community-based tourism development (CBTD), residents' perceptions, tourism support, Tuy Phong district
Article Details
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