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Transformational leadership has been seen as an important issue in Human Resources management and empirical educational research. This article presented the findings of a study in which the transformational leadership scale (TLS) was adapted to Vietnamese educational context in order to describe the principals’ transformational leadership as perceived by 655 Vietnamese elementary school teachers in Kien Giang province for the school year 2014 – 2015. The purpose of this study was to determine the transformational leadership level of elementary school principals. The study used a quantitative research method and employed a descriptive research design. The reliability scores for five dimensions of TLS ranging from .80 to .94 were satisfactory. The findings indicated that the elementary school teachers perceived their principals fairly often present transformational leadership. Besides, there were significant differences in the perceptions of elementary school teachers about the dimensions of transformational leadership, according to their gender, degree, school size, and school location.
transformational leadership, principal, elementary school, teacher, Kien Giang province
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