Thị Hằng Lê , Ngọc Chinh Nguyễn

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Children with disabilities in general and children with intellectual disabilities in particular face many difficulties in life, especially self-care skills. To find out about the current training of self-care skills for children with intellectual disabilities, the study conducted a survey of 30 teachers who are caring and educating children at the Blue Dream, an inclusive education institution, in Da Nang city. The survey results show that the training the self-care skills for children with intellectual disabilities at Blue Dream education is quite good, many teachers have clearly defined the goals, educational content and effective implementation of educational methods for children. In addition, there are also a few teachers who have not effectively implemented the training for children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, they need to be more persistent in the process of training children, cooperating with young parents, and continuously learning to improve. The results help to identify the achievements and limitations of the training of self-care skills for children with intellectual disabilities at the Blue Dream.


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