Chung Hải Nguyễn , Văn Cương Hoàng

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Improving the quality of the master's degree programs at the University of Education Ho Chi Minh City is considered as one of the key tasks in the university's development strategies. High quality programs also help the university to satisfy various stakeholders, which gradually affirms the university's reputation of graduate training. This article proposes seven measures to improve the quality of master's programs, including: (1) to raise the awareness by managers and lecturers of the importance of modern curriculum developent; (2) to develop regulations and toolkits for postgraduate curriculum development; (3) to analyse and choose a new approach for curriculum development; (4) to provide training for the Board of Curriculum Development; (5) to engage various stakeholders in the process of developing the curriculum; (6) to regularly evaluate, and improve the curriculum; (7) to provide necessary support for the  development of the curriculum. These measures are the suggestions for the University to review and improve master's programs to meet the requirements of stakeholders, contributing to improving the quality of graduate training.


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