Main Article Content
“Contacting, comparing, connecting” is one of the objectives for reading comprehension competence given in the General curriculum of Literature 2018. The article researches measures to practice contacting, comparing, and connecting skills to develop reading comprehension competence when teaching reading comprehension for fourth and fifth graders. The article synthesizes and analyzes some documents to clarify the definition, structure of reading comprehension competency, and the importance of training contacting, comparing, connecting skills to the development of reading comprehension competence for fourth and fifth graders. At the same time, this article also discusses the requirements of the General Curriculum of Literature 2018 on developing contacting, comparing, connecting skills for fourth and fifth grade students. Therefrom, the author suggests some measures to teach contacting, comparing, and connecting skills to assist teachers in developing reading comprehension competence effectively.
contacting – comparing – connecting, fourth and fifth grades students, reading comprehension competence, teaching reading comprehension
Article Details
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