Minh Dũng Tăng

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Information technology achievements are interfering more and more deeply in education, especially in mathematics education. It poses challenges to the training of students to bring information technology into the math classrooms at teacher training schools from both curricula and a teaching perspective. In that context, the article is an evaluation study on preparing students to apply information technology in teaching mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology in the Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. It bases on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and compares the training with models developed from this theoretical framework. The research uses the qualitative approach to analyze the outline of the Bachelor of Teaching Mathematics Program, the course outlines, the lectures, the student's products. The findings show some similarities of the training with the pedagogical recommendations of researchers and point out the differences that were used  to propose measures to improve the quality of the program in line with requirements of the 2018 General Education Curriculum in Mathematics.



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Minh Dũng Tăng,

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