Cử Thiện Phạm , Thị Lan Nguyễn , Thụy Đông Hòa Trần , Thị Ý Nhi Nguyễn , Thị Phương Dung Trần , Văn Thanh Võ , Mạnh Hùng Nguyễn

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The research on snail species composition by morphological analysis method in the sixth-level canals in Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City showed that eight snail species belonging to eight genera and five families were collected. Snails were sampled in the dry season (March 2022) and the rainy season (May 2022). Only snails in Kenh Lang – Ben Muong canal were infected trematodes. Furcocercous cercariae were recovered from Clea helena in the dry season with a prevalence of 2.3%. Xiphidio cercariae were found in Sinotaia lithophaga (in the dry season) and Filopaludina sumatrensis (in two seasons) with a prevalence of 4.0% and 3.5%, respectively. The trematode prevalence in the dry season was higher than in the wet season; however, there was no significantly different for Filopaludina sumatrensis (P>0.05). The findings provided information about the diversity of snails and trematode infection in the area. Further research in the different water bodies should be done in Cu Chi district and other places to identify the infected snail species and conserve the rare and precious snail species.


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